Tuesday, December 12, 2017

The Best Pets Are Pups

Dogs are Man’s Best Friends

By: Grace DiMeo

Who has two thumbs and loves furry friends? 

Oh..oh sorry I know you don’t have thumbs. Don’t worry we do and we’ll open doors and food cans for you anyway. Tell you what we don’t have tails, and they’re pretty cool. We also don’t get along with all humans like you do. 
Speaking of humans, guys listen. Dogs are one of the best animals on the planet. They come in all shapes and sizes. They come in various colors and deserve nothing but love. 

They listen to us more then we listen to each other. You can train your pup to do anything as long as you’re keeping up with their energy. Even if you aren’t an active person there’s lap dogs. Lap dogs are the pups that lack their own body heat so they constantly have to cuddle. 
Even if you don’t like dogs I promise they only want you to scratch behind their ears or rub their bellies because their paws can’t reach those places. They jump on you because they love hugs and they aren’t shy when it comes to a red ball and a grassy field. 
If you fear dogs don’t worry I totally understand, you can have this seal I found instead. 


  1. I love that seal!! Also, I didn't know that lap dogs like to cuddle because they don't have enough body heat.

    1. I know the seal is adorable I found him flopping around on my couch. Just kidding it’s a doggo. Did I getcha.

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you so much they aren’t mine but puppies always look adorable.


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