Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Literally Everything is Mac and Cheese

Anything And Everything Is Mac and Cheese

Just think about it. Chicken Alfredo? Mac and Cheese. Lasagna? Mac and Cheese put some meat in it. Baked Ziti? Mac and Cheese. By definition Mac and Cheese IS Macaroni and Cheese. Soooooo by logic anything with macaroni as in small bits of pasta and cheese IS mac and cheese.

There’s the classic Mac and Cheese. Delicious liquid gold. Butter melted with various cheeses and macaroni. If you’re going to get fancy....breadcrumbs broiled to form that crust on top. Or you eat Kraft or Velvetta boxed Mac and cheese that’s cool too. There’s so many variations of Mac and Cheese you can make. Like chicken and waffles. Who’s idea was it to put chicken on waffles? Or peanut butter and chocolate? Innovators I tell you. 

Picture this.... 
1.) Chicken Strip Mac and Cheese with Jalapeño Poppers. 

2.) Diced Tomato and Spinach Mac and Cheese 

3.) Buffalo Chicken Mac and Cheese 

4.) Carbonara Mac and Cheese aka Bacon

Heaven on Earth? Maybe. Yes definitely. 
Disclaimer: although these photographs look delicious. They are not originally mine. They come from google the go to image site. 


  1. I'm obsessed with mac and cheese. The jalapeño poppers one looks like heaven. And now I'm hungry... thanks Grace.

    1. You’re welcome I’m always happy to help. I love Mac and cheese too it’s actual heaven.


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