Thursday, December 14, 2017

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It has been concluded that you currently do not have a The “search engine” package. Please click the link: to purchase your package. As soon as you complete this your article will be uploaded within 48 hours. 

This is the end what the world can be like if “Net Neutrality” is destroyed. To simplify Net Neutrality is: 
- The freedom to use or search the internet free of charge
- The ability for small businesses to rear them into a bigger business. 
- Websites, Photos, Videos, and gif will be able to be uploaded from anywhere anytime without penalty. 
- All information is open to the public. 
- No internet provider Comcast, AT&T could make their websites run faster than websites that aren’t theirs. Equal speed for whatever website you use. 

Without net neutrality: 
- Censorship will become a reality. Censorship is the act of filtering what the public will be able to see. 
- Websites will be monitored and filtered of any unwanted information. 
- In short if you can control what people see, you control what they think. 
- Social Media Platforms will be charged for use. 
- The “Entertainment Package” YouTube, Netflix, Hulu, etc. Will also be charged. 

Net Neutrality is important to all of us. Our growing society. Our blooming country. The age of the internet is now. The land of the free is to be in the hands of the people. The people need the internet, for education, humor, or emotions. The internet is a free amazing platform. There you can find books, the news, videos, anything happening around the world. What will happen to the power of the press? The beauty of the internet is all current events are shared almost immediately anytime. It’s funny how wel will find the verdict of this epidemic via...streaming. 

By: Grace DiMeo


  1. I thought something was wrong with my page loading for a minute. Lol. Nice blog !

    1. Thank you so much! It could potentially become a reality though.

  2. The beginning of this article is hilarious. I love how you showed it to me earlier but when I clicked on it, I still actually waited for it to load...

    1. Hahaha that was the objective I’m glad you found my article clever!


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