Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Read Somehing Magical

Magical Realism

Magical Realism - (n.) painting in a meticulously realistic style of imaginary or fantastic scenes or images. - Merriam Webster

Grace DiMeo - You dream of a videocassette tonight. The video set will befriend you. 

Thursday, April 12, 2008 8:06am
     Alex sits cross legged on the rug in their grandmothers house. Wrapped in their purple onesie snug and sleepy. The 8" x 5" Television screen hummed while the end credits were 
rolling down the screen. Grandma whom was weary, retired after lunch and slept in her leather recliner. Alex pressed the rewind button just as her grandmother had always reminded them to do. The screen lit up blue, the picture faded. 

Tuesday, January 10, 2018 4:53pm
     The door swung open to a extremely flustered Alex. They flung their bag filed to the brim with college application letters sending it around their body. They stomped up the stairs eager to change out of their uniform. Hastily they empty their bag of hollow scholarships, rejection letters, and false hope. The phone rings to yet another college asking for surveys. Their phone dings proclaiming messages, mail, and assignments due. Exhausted Alex flops onto their bed which they have now out grown. The aged photos and memories lay dusty on the shelves.

Wednesday, January 11, 2018 1:09am
     The world was at first fuzzy, then like a camera in focus the scene became more clear. The static buzzed the blue screen illuminated the beige carpets. A stain resided in the corner embedded deep into the material. Everything seemed bigger. Alex walked towards the glowing room now in their onesie pajamas. Like sunlight spilling over wooden floorboards, the deep blue was bright. Inside of the room the old videocassette it played a familiar static ticking waiting to be used. The slot was vacant. It roared for a tape, to be rewound one more time. 

Wednesday, January 11, 2018 4:44pm

     The door burst open this time with excitement. The bag of papers flew carelessly through the air. They floated down like the dust of the VHS tapes. Alex brushed off what bunnies had developed. Down the stairs they flew like a bird of prey. A large sheet covered the old cassette that was once Alex's life force. Ever since grandmother had passed away the videocassette was written in the will to go Alex. At the time they didn't think it would be as exciting as it is now. Their hands trembled eagerly as the tapes were released from their boxes. The tape entered the empty slot. Silence. The familiar whirring rumbled the 8" x 5" Television opened to rolling credits. Alex had forgotten to rewind the tape.

Saturday, February 4, 2018 4:38pm 
     Alex slowly entered the household and took a deep slow breath. The mail-slot was stuffed with college advertisements. Calmly the papers were removed and placed into the recycling bag after a quick review. Alex picked up their much more organized book bag. In a folder laid a single college acceptance. Still without a scholarship but that was okay. Alex opened all the windows to allow the chilly air fill their house. They never really took the time to stop, wait, feel, and think. After restoring their love for their old VHS and 8" x 5" elderly television. They had forgotten how easy life was when they were a child. When everything had one step at a time. Sit down watch a show. Breathe in, pause, and breathe out.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018 1:44pm
Written By: Grace DiMeo 

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Go Birds!

I mean the green ones for Philadelphia, not the blue twitter bird.

It's Superbowl Sunday coming Feburary 4, 2018 and Philadelphia is roaring. So much so the ground is quaking. I for one am absolutely clueless of what kind of game we are getting into. I'm a novice journalist in a high school I know nothing about sports. What I do know is the delicious snacks that come with the roaring crowds, couch potatoes, and green facepaint. The chips and dip, hot dogs, burgers, the vegtable platter that noone touches you name it, it's been long awaited.

Even though I dont live anywhere near Minneapolis, Minnesota I live right next to broad street. If theres anything abut Philadelphia Broad street is where all the action happens. From the mummers parade to joyous crowds parading down the asphalt. Pretty sure silly string and confetti will be everywhere for the next few weeks.

Of course with so much celebration please remeber to be safe; with great joy comes great responsiblity. Don't drink and drive my fellow Philly folk. We live in the modern age of Uber, Lyft, and Postmates. Keep your alcohol at home or at the stadiums. I promise it'll be worth it. Don't put yourselves in danger and dont BE a danger.

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Soooo..It’s not Illegal?

Nope not illegal anymore.

Janurary 10, 2018 I became the magic age of 18. To answer your question, no it’s not illegal to sign your name on papers anymore. You can write checks, make your own bank account, and pay bills by yourself. It’s a crazy concept I know. Here we are now though.

My parents asked me where I’d like to spend maturing into a legal adult. Of course I said Sky Zone Trampoline Park because do you know who I am? Most people would like fancy dinners or big parties. Naw you haven’t seen how aerodynamic my four foot body can take me.

I’m sure by tomorrow morning I’ll be unable to move and waddle to the freezer to ice my muscles but hey it’s worth it. Think about it.. great exercise but also being able to fly. Who would say no.

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it WOAAAAHH!!!

Ice is

No? Anyone...yeah me neither. I don’t plan to be a comedian either. January has come and with it sheets of ice. This morning I connected with my inner penguin and shuffled across the streets of Philadelphia. Broad street was littered with salt and the cars turned white. Call me frozone because I discovered concrete makes ice sheets invisible. 

I didn’t go that fast, I was more like a sail on a rug having a good day. None the less I made it to the subway stations. Not to mention tiles and snow slush do not go together. Keep your hands warm friends extremities tend to get frost bitten first. I don’t know why they don’t have nose warmers. Oh goodness that’s a great idea, TRADEMARK! speaking of good ideas wear two pairs of socks today. Pack an extra pair in your bag too you’ll thank me later. Stay warm lovelies. 

Peace out.

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Captain's Log Day 1

Tis  the season of high utility bills

Now that the repeal of Net Neutrality has passed it's now the time to speak face to face to family during the holiday's. The first day of winter break I woke up at a ripe mid morning of 9:00. My mother left out eggs and butter so I could do what I do best. Bake. As a whole from start to finish I spent 6 hours baking. That includes gas and electric (boogie woggie woogie woogie). I can't confirm if my neighbors are ready to move out because of my constant singing. I can confirm though they know every Christmas carol under the sun because I've been playing them since November 1st.
today I managed to make my own soup. Don't worry I'm healthy. Mom..Ms DeProspo I eat my vegetables. To be specific celery, carrots, and bok choy. I must admit it was a pretty good stock considering its vegetarian. I'm not vegetarian by choice, but because I don't know how to cook meat. I'll either poison someone, make it dry like cardboard, or make it so tough you can punt it like a foot ball. Charlie Brown who?
I only almost burned myself twice today it's a new record. In celebration I gave myself a huge glass of milk. I'm trying to rid myself of the sugar high while this blog is being written. I hope you can read the speed my fingers are flying across this keyboard. Call me Santa Clause on Christmas Eve four hours behind schedule. Four days until Christmas Day my friends, happy December 21.

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

17 Year Old Preapres for Impact

The Vortex of Adulthood is Rapidly Approaching

It’s spinning and the pressure becomes stronger the older I get, responsibilities, money, and, college is flying past my face. Almost so fast it gives me wind burn, or..whip lash. Depends on who you ask. 


College is the most evident thing in my path to adult hood. I’m a 17 year old young woman sitting in Journalism class at String Theory Performing Arts High School December 13, 2017 my notifications rang and like music to my ears I opened my email to eye candy “CONGRATULATIONS” from Temple University. 

Fight fight for the cherry and the white, My aceptance letter cane in the mail while snow fall sealed my mail box shut. Inside the box was a blinding white and rouge print. “You’re In.” The paper was crisp like the fresh of sheets of snow outside. Frost formed on the windows because of the heated house and freezing weather outside.  How warm I felt. 

“We welcome you to Temple University! We welcome you to the Klein College of Media and Communication, Journalism.” What a sight. The first major purchase of my life the last trial before adulthood. The e-mail came to me in a juvenile journalism class, now I’m on my way to educate the public with a professional touch. 

Monday, December 18, 2017

Twisting Turning And Tumbling

I was drowned

Day 8
It was a terrible experience. It was so dark and hot almost like a sauna except not at all relaxing. Inangine the ocean waves colliding and consuming your eantire body. I could barely breathe. When the water drained away every fiber of my being was soaked. I-I saw a light. It came from a hole and the gates swung open. I’ve never seen something so beautiful before, a cool breeze brushed against me and my siblings face. “L? L can you feel that?” L remained silent I could see they were just as amazed as I was. 
Our glory was short lived a giant hand reached in and grabbed us by the bunches and threw us into a black vortex. I frantically searched for my sibling. I heard them calling out “Rye!!! R can you hear me?” There they were just a few feet away. The glory hole slammed shut followed by a low ticking... What? What is that I thought. The black vortex began spinning. Faster and faster it shook the color out of me. Hot air blew in my face I was whisked away. I was sucked into this hole. I’m making this entry in hopes someone will somehow find me. I miss you L. 

Rye Sock. 

Read Somehing Magical

Magical Realism Magical Realism - (n.) painting in a meticulously realistic style of imaginary or fantastic scenes or images. - Merriam...